Sorry, but you're crazy. The fact that you just tried to drop the long standing broscience of "your body can only process so much protein at one time," negates anything you might have. Your body will process all the protein you take in in a day. Do you think it just disappears? It processes everything you take in. Good luck with your broscience goals in 2013.
Oh JP, old pictures are old, and it doesn't mean much coming from the 5'11", 160 guy. Thanks for playing though. I should update my weight to 205 too. Just because a bodybuilder is big doesn't mean they don't follow broscience. Bad logic is bad.
haha apparantly you didn't understand what I said or I should at least clarify because to someone like you it would be a little confusing I guess, but I am done arguing because you can believe whatever you want, but I know what I know, and I am confident in what I know, and by the way, just because someone is smaller than you doesn't mean you know more than them, so I have no idea why you are telling people you don't care what they have to say just because they are smaller than you. Hmmm someone's a little insecure, but hopefully you get over that and don't let it ruin your day.
Like I said, "Good luck with your broscience goals in 2013." I'd be happy to look at your "sources," because epic information in your classes must be legit and not broscience, right? If you want to make claims, I shouldn't have to "look it up." Show me. As far as my comments to JP, you might want to read what he said to elicit that response...oh wait you can't because he deleted his comment. So stop trying to act like you know when you don't know. Because as you've shown, you know very little. My day is great, I have no worries about "reds" on the interwebz.
where does this lucia guy get his info from? Get some real facts