And btw her program here is very intense and you need more nutrition to fuel this kind of thing. Her recommendations Sample meal plan for a 140-pound female (you weigh more) are Calories: 1,765. You will make yourself sick. Trust me.
@ Dracid - That is not a "known fact" at all. Its just your broscience PHD talking. The only benefit to frequent eating, already pointed out, is feeling less bloated during the day. Someone eating 3 meals a day will get exactly the same results as someone eating 8 meals a day, if everything else is done exactly the same.
Agree with BonafideUK 100%. Yes eating a meal increases your metabolism but the size of the increase will be related to the size of the meal. Somebody misinterpreted a journal article and started spreading this idea as fact...
Actually meal timing is a big part... Manlet's gonna manlet
I can't believe people still think meal timing is crucial. There is a plethora of scientific evidence stating otherwise. When your body does not have to digest food every few hours it functions much more proficiently. All cells will be healthier, from your skin, to your hair, to your muscles etc. This may go against traditional broscience, but I can tell you from personal experience: it works. More energy, better focus, and a stronger body. Research IF (intermittent fasting), and for some insight and humor, look up the fasting twins on youtube (Hodge twins).