You're not eating enough fat. For 1500 calories you should be eating 100g/130g/19g of fat/protein/carbs for a 60/35/5 ratio. Eating more fat will help you feel fuller longer.
Seems mental. I had the same problem. You will eventually "get over" your old self that needed to be super full. I have no advice besides you are not alone soon you will train your body to be full on less. Its hard to change but well worth it.
Hey Imogen, while most people think that kept is strictly low carb, they often forget that fat intake needs to be much higher- not protein intake. The goal is to produce ketones for energy which come from fat, therefore fat intake needs to increase substantially in the absence of carbs. Excess protein actually converts to glucose which of course defeats the purpose of keto and interferes with ketone production. Most kept experts suggest <5% Carbs, 70-75% fat and 20-25% protein.