To get to that clap on the top, his concentric (the pulling up) has to be really powerful or else he wouldn't have been able to clap in the air, that in itself is a show of power training. He did his best on the Eccentric (the lowering down). That is something to be acknowledged of and its hard and fun when you can do it.
@musclepharmpres i totally get the whole having fun thing and all and its deff good to mix things up to keep from feeling stale and whatnot. but i do have to agree with aj on the fact of their really not necessary at all. i mean yeah i getcha, you were more or less playing around. but then you produce an article kinda recommending them and kids/beginners will start to think that these are something you should really aim for or focus on, rather than just telling them to work on quality contraction, MM connection, and controlled negatives on the variety of standard pullups and chins. just my two cents.
Everyone knocking on the idea of the a clap pull up is getting a little annoying,and for the most part ignorant. As most of you workout enthusiast know there are many different types of muscles fibers. some react better to explosive movements hints the explosiveness of the clap pullup and pushups?..and the some to time under tension hints the idea of a long squezze and slow negative. In my opinion the idea of clap pullups is very inteligent and infact an exercise that alot of people should incorporate to stimulate new muslce growth in your lats..its all about shocking the body knew movements new ways to do the same workouts youve been doing for years..people that think doing three warmup sets of 10 reps of wide grip pullups every back and bi day is going to get you further then variations in your pullups seems alittle ignorant.. i for one know and have proven to my self varrying pullup grips and techniques will improve your wide grip over time because you will hit knew secondary and and smaller less developed parts of your back aswell thus making your back stronger overtime leading to a more developed and overall stronger back.. same goes for all types of exercises..when you plateau its time for change..ITS ALL ABOUT CHALLENGING YOUR SELF... BREAK THE NORM !!!!
Until you can do as many or more of the clapping pull ups then I don't really see a point in talking crap about it.. just sayin