For many years (25 years) I have suffered from bloating and found some foods to be more of a problem in digesting than others e.g. potatoes, pasta, bread. This would cause IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). More recently, I've suffered several bouts of gout (inflammation of joints often caused by a build up of uric acid). I spoke to my GP (in the UK a GP is the local doctor) and mentioned research I'd recently read linking Fructose (a natural sugar in certain foods) being linked to gout and he replied that recent research from a university in Australia showed that 75% of symptoms could be relieved by following the FODMAP diet. It lists the food that are high in Fructose e.g. onions, garlic, honey, watermelon (Galia melon is fine) though only some of the items on the list may trigger the IBS Since starting FODMAP almost all my symptons have disappeared. Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides and Polyols Search "FODMAP" and lots will appear. Hope the above info helps, Best wishes, Tim