It says 1 minute rest between sets.
Pretty easy to find that out yourself if you happen to miss information about the rest. Heavy sets will automatically need more rest, which you all know... You can aim for 90sec or more I would say or try it out yourself to find how long you need to rest. The goal is to do 10 reps on ALL the three sets with "good" form I believe and not 5 forced lol.
Yes, but keep in mind that you want to rest long enough to allow the oxygen back into your muscles, but not so long that it takes away from the "shock" that your muscles are experiencing. I agree with Caesarprz...it says one minute, to try that for at least half the program, and if you don't like it and you need more, then fine...but yeah, I wouldn't go over 90s if I could help it.
The amount of rest depends on what your goals are and what guidelines you may be using to back up those goals. For example: NASM - Hypertrophy rest intervals should be between 45-90 seconds. Maximal strength and/or power 3-5 minutes. I can assume that hypertrophy is the goal, so rest 45-90, but as already noted, in the program 1 minute is the recommended rest time. I personally prefer 45 seconds to keep my heart rate up. Good luck!