I agree abs do get utilised on most excersises, but when you solely hit em this is what i find you gain even more core strength and your big lifts are way improved, and your become mini bricks haha
"direct ab work is a waste of time as it will get you no better results."......what?...I would like to know if that was a serious comment because thats foolish.
@dillensteeby: Sorry I had to laugh at your comment. That is completely incorrect. Yes your abs get a nice work out while working on lots of torso muscles, back, chest ect; however that does mean you're putting stress on them as you would doing a ab work out. You're not going to get a ripped six pack by working out every muslce except your stomach and secondly, your abs and back are you core muscles. The stonger they are the better you will be able to lift on legs, chest and other vital muscles that require strength from your core. Please research before posting false statements.
I have to agree with dillonsteeby. Most people overwork their abs to the point of fanaticism,and if you lift heavy and get your calisthenics in, doing a bunch of sit ups is redundant. Besides, direct an work doesn't show your abs- cardio, and to a larger degree diet, shows your abs. A good Yoga session is good for all around flexibility, stability, and core strength. A Sunday favorite. Highly recommended at the end of your workout week.