Yeah I have been at this for 14 yrs. done every supp you can imagine. They do help but are not required to get a great body and reach your goals. The diets and workouts are what get you results!! Follow those 100% And you can achieve anything.
Jim also states at the top that diet and effort will produce results.(go figure?). The sups are just a bonus. taterade's right bout the fish oils. Make sure to take those. Hard work and dicipline will trump all. Good luck everyone!
The purpose of this bodybuilding sponsored programs are for you to believe supplements are essential to get results. That is how this website gets money. In reality most of the supplements listed are a waste of money for their result, others are even shaky on claims (ALCAR) has been proven for fatloss (yes for brain function), casein, you can just have milk, etc. I personally would no go much further than whey, creatine, caffeine. If I have some spare change I would buy some beta alanine, and BCAA. I spent the last year with just just whey and caffeine and have done very well. As it has been said, people would be better off improving their training than wasting their money on this.
Thanks everyone...Its not only me who got help here,m sure many others too, as this is a question on most people's minds. I have started with Jim's Shortcut to size first (2nd week now) with only Pro-complex gainer and i can see results even now! It is right...workout and diet are most important. Once i finish with the 12 week trainer, i'll move on to this, followed by 6 weeks to sick arms. all by jim. I believe in stick to one. Jim's articles have always been great. its just the supplement list i was worried about.. but thanks to u guys.
Created a Body Group for this... Jim Stoppani's Shortcut To Shred.... join. Trying to get people to join who are doing the program so we can get answers and stuff