you can use what ever the hell you want and if it works then continue using it
Like what some of these people said you can replace few of the supps he has suggested but the first respondent who said you have to have Exactly what he said is either trolling you or just misinformed. Some supplements have good doses of more than 1 of these listed supplement chemicals. Just make sure to look what you're putting into your body before you take it honestly. Good luck
@Turisma Right and clean alimentation may need something more.. I dont know your experience but be sure that u will not get the right dose of Carnitine and Glutamine at least with only whey Casein and Creatine. Yeah u may see profits in all those supps... But they work expecially if u dont go for "propietary blend" supps! PS: sorry if my english is bad... i hope to be comprhendable btw