@sebackers Man, I use to say that exact same thing when I first started taking creatine. I started lifting weights when I was 15 and I took creatine right off the get go. I never missed a dose of it, when I first started I was only curling 15's and benching like 90 pounds. I was literally going up about 5-10 pounds a week for each set. After 4 months of an extreme diet and a solid workout plan, I went from 140 pounds curling 15's , and benching 90lbs, to 165 pounds and curling 30's and benching 180 pounds. I know the 25 pounds I gained wasn't all muscle, but after 4 months of lifting weights people thought I have been working out for years. I got lazy last year and stopped taking creatine for a few months, I could tell a noticeable difference In my energy levels and my strength levels. Creatine isn't as powerful as a steroid, but If you are a teenager, and use creatine correctly with a solid diet and workout routine, It will most definitely feel like a steroid, all of my friends and even a couple of my teachers thought I was injecting steroids.
@yomuju That is a ridiculous comment you just made. You have to use creatine every single day, you can't slack off and only use it sometimes. It takes about 2-3 weeks for creatine to actually enter your blood stream and start working. Creatine is the definition of an all mighty supplement, at least for me it is. I am just speaking for myself I can't speak for you. For all I know your diet is **** and you barely workout. I was taking creatine multiple times a day, lifting weights in the morning, and running at night. I was on an extreme diet pretty much of chicken breasts, eggs.pasta, brown rice, salmon, and all whole foods no junk food whatsoever. I think Creatine only works to its potential when your diet is 100%, your in the gym day in day out with 100% effort, and proper rest. I think the most important factor of them all though, is water. You have to drink at least a gallon a day or you are going to get dehydrated fast and it will only be detrimental from then on, maybe that is your problem, not enough water, If you're going to take creatine, you have to make water a priority.
The bottom line is creatine works different for different people, some guys go on it and get nothing, others get a heck of a boost off of it. I've seen guys put on only a pound or two of water-weight with it, and others like me who throw on 5-6 pounds in a week and a half. The same thing applies to the strength and endurance portion of it.