Kris Gethin, he has 2 programs via this website. A 12 week program and DTP. I liked it because for a the workouts are do-able and a girl with little upper body strength can pull off 98% of the workouts.
Iv tried the k.G program and it is pretty good I did not finish it because I wanted to attempt this mft-28 program my friend has completed the 12wk program and his gotten dramatic results I I started this plan and it was amazing I saw enough results in my body in as little as two weeks And I was on a ****** diet... I stopped the plan at two-weeks and I am now going to follow the liquid diet and I garuntee I will see dramatic results if anyone does this program or pretty much any program and does not see results then they are just not putting any effort in the gym.. When you go lift weights you go to lift weights you go to sweat to feel pain and feel drained and sore not to go lift heavy and feel like you just walked in then just stay home this program is great and it makes sense you really need to go to the gym twice a day to see and feel a big difference unless you go once and stay there for atleast 3 hours working out and I will attempt k.G DTP program to bulk up after I am fished with my 4 weeks of mft-28