^^this. When you're undertrained putting on mass comes much easier than it does when you've been consistently at it for years. I've been working my @$$ off for 10 weeks to gain all of 8-10 lbs. I keep my diet pretty clean, mostly rice oatmeal and lean meats, but even with those I've had to pull back on carbs to regulate fat accumulation. This article brings about great points that are easy to overlook (and I did) such as creating mini weight gain goals and RESTING. Because if the gym wasn't closed on Sunday I don't think I ever would. I'm totally saving this article and referring to it on my next mass cycle.
steriods are a part of the sport get over it.
Your a ****** LOL! anyone who cries about steroids and thinks it is cheating is a idiot. You should never touch a weight again and be banned from every gym in your country. Pro-Hormones and Steroids build champions in every sport. Hate it or love it. But since you hate it your gay. Do you even left bro?
steroids are a part of bodybuilding...i dont take them because im a college athlete and im not allowed but I dont look down on people who do, thats crazy. On a side note though, awesome in-depth article