Thanks Mudvayne24. Appreciate the info.
Everything Mudvayne said is solid. I like to do standard deads on back day, and I do stiff legged deads on leg day which focus more on the hams and glutes. There are a variety of ways to do it as he said. The important thing is to get your form down before you start bumping up the weight, as any deadlift done wrong is the fastest way to put you on the couch.
Agreed... I do stiff legged on leg day. In my opinion those are tougher to get the form down than regular deads. Many people just lean over with an arched back and never get the full benefit of the lower posterior chain. As you go down you have to squeeze the hell out of your hams, glutes, and even calves to keep those legs working hard. I most definitely noticed a lot of results in my hamstrings from it, and I don't use a lot of weight whatsoever.