Not true. With low calorie diet you can burn 2kg a week. I am on 1500 kcal and 30 mins per day cardio and i am loosing enough fat. 1-1,5 kg per week.
Saxon you're at an incredible deficit if you weigh 230 and are only eating 1500 cals plus doing 3.5 hours of relatively intense cardio a week in addition to a strength training regimen. You might want to dial that back a bit unless you're not concerned about losing a good deal of muscle as well.
Enigma you have obviously not understood the point i am tryin to make. Satiety or "fullness in the stomach" per calorie is what counts. Of course you wont be equally full on 100 kcals of sugar and 100kcals of beef. That is the satiety/calorie ratio im speaking of. Good insights about the amount off Energy needed to metabolize different nutrients. This obviously also need to be taken into your calorie count.
Reftis...I beleive you're actually referring to mistake 2, not eating enough protein, and maybe you're not understanding. The first point is that a greater proportion of protein, with equal total calorie consumption resulted in greater fat loss. This is a fact, supported by a study published in the journal of nutrition...not an oppinion. The statement about satiety is not a supporting statement to that paragraph, rather a second point in itself about the further benefits of a high protein diet. I hope this helps.
david you clarified this with proven facts, thats always a great thing to see