Also the fact that this is a contribution from a magazine company and paid for to be a featured article. I can't give this article any credit for the simple that every other sentence contains some sort of typo or misuse of a word lol.
Ice-cream vs just the sugar in ice-cream. Eating just the sugar on its own would raise blood sugar much higher than having it as an ingredient in the whole ice-cream. However, at some point there is a trade-off to consider, where eating the whole serving of ice-cream delivers far more calories per day than just the sugar alone. If the total calories per day ( from any source ) is very high, then you're not likely to loose excess fat. Fat delivers about twice the calories per gram of either carb or protein. But that doesn't mean it is twice as fattening per gram. Because it satisfies hunger for a long time... the net calories desired per day is likely to be lower when one eats a relatively high fat diet, than a high protein or carb diet, because blood-sugar levels are more stable ( no cravings and binge eating ). Restrict high carb and protein meals to when they are actually needed; after very intense exercise. The rest of the time, eat meals with lots of green veg and fats plus moderate, mixed proteins. We didn't evolve with supermarkets about.. we had to go hunting or on long walks, etc. Yes we did store food, but for the most part the food supply was at least a bit unreliable. So.... Wait to be actually hungry before eating. After a few weeks it becomes easy. Each day, allow your body to be hungry for a while before eating. Its OK to be hungry for up to half a day before finding that kill. And if the hunt is taking too long, eat a high-fat food, coconut, oily fish, avocado or some nuts to keep going a bit longer.