The great Bill pearl said you need no more than 0 5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Any more gets excreted or goes on your waist. And when you think about it this makes sense. An ordinary man requires 56 grams per day. Muscle growth is such a slow process. You dont gain one pound of pure muscle per workout. So why eat like you do. If a natural gains 10 to 15 pounds of muscle in one year. He has done extremely well. Now understand there are only 600 calories in a pound of muscle. If you even gain a qtr pound of muscle per workout. 0.5 grams per pound of lean muscle is more than enough. And as a 182lb man at 5 8" ive made gains never eating more than a 100 grams per day.
1 gram protein per bodyweight so if you weight 145 get a weight scale and measure 1.45lb of protein and devide into meals. Thats my weight by the way