Looks like rennbj4 and JoshMarks are the experts at 138 and 162 lbs. Haha.
This whole article would be great for conditioning but if you notice the whole outline of this is LITERALLY to do the LEAST amount of work possible in the fastest possible time. Go back and read all the "best" options that he prescribed.....Its alot of jerking and flailing. If you do crossfit to compete then this is for you but if you do crossfit to get in better shape then you should do the strict form. You should always try to progress on your lifts and honestly every crossfit article I've read has NOTHING to do with Progressive overload ( even though the top guys/girls in crossfit lift to get stronger)...Crossfit is a fun way to do timed cardio.
actually JAMES140haha, there are a lot of WOD's that are "clean and jerk 3-3-3-3-3" Increase weight each time and try to set PR. I am not a fan of the cultist crossfit society, but if you were a former athlete, you would know that trying to challenge yourself in any way makes you stronger mentally and physically.
"Looks like rennbj4 and JoshMarks are the experts at 138 and 162 lbs. Haha" Jwethall, not everyone is trying to get bulky like you.