@Charlie - Would have to disagree, while there is certainly truth to the macro nutrients, the types of food you are choosing make a difference. Eating whole grains and healthy fats versus the same calories in simple carbs and saturated fats is completely different. While your macros ultimately control your body weight, the types of food make a difference when it comes to fine tuning your composition. Macros work fine if your just looking to hit a certain "number" on the scale... Some people are fortunate enough to not have to worry about this as much as others and can get away with eating "crap" while other are not so lucky. - Great physique btw. @Dreambig - the critics almost never have pictures...lol
For the most part I agree with you. I think it is good to have a variety of food including things that are called "unclean" and I know that you can regulate your weight by the calories consumed and your bf by the protein/fat/carb ratios. I've never had a 100% "clean" diet myself. I just believe that you can accelerate your results by eating the better foods more often and there ultimately is a difference. You are definitely right that people get the wrong idea and eat too much of the "better foods" thinking that they cannot gain weight that way. Agree to disagree for now on food "types", you're doing just fine with your current program! Congrats on your achievments.
While I do agree with "If It Fits Your Macros", I also believe If you eat 2000 calories or "clean" food vs "2000" empty calories, It requires slightly more calories to digest a lot of food vs a couple of candy bars. I also believe the so call "clean foods" will yield better performance in the gym which in turn give you a slight edge.