I see the use at really heavy weights if you NEED them for a 1 rep max because your forearms just can't carry that much load, but otherwise people definitely get used to them for no reason. One of my buddies used them everytime he deadlifted 225 because he couldn't hold the weight. I've never used a strap in my life and pulled 400 last week and 315 for 5 sets of 6 this week (this is my first 2 weeks deadlifting in about 8 months). I say a little bit of chalk is all you need!
Straps serve a purpose and for bodybuilding you are selling yourself short by not using them. So you should not fully develop your traps, back, hamstrings because you want your forearms to "pop"?? GTF outa here. You can mix it up and not use them all the time, but you certainly shouldn't throw them away. Power-lifting movements may be different story, but even then you can likely lift more in proper form with them than without.
I'll have to agree with molinski44 if you began training with proper form out of the gate. I don't even own straps and have not had the problem of deloading on my deadlifts for weak forearms ever. I use a mixed grip and good form. Naturally Good makes a good point about straps for getting more load on certain muslces for bodybuilding. I would reccomend raw lifting for anyone who hasn't been training for a long period of time though.
I have horrible wrist thanks to skateboarding for so many years (still going strong) .. Always falling on my wrists is a killer, so I have no choice to use Straps most of the time when needed since my Wrists are pretty weak at some Exercises..
Liquid chalk is great if you don't believe in straps. (it doesn't make a mess)